2.4. Ruby Idioms: Poetry Mode, Blocks, Duck Typing¶
A programming idiom is a way of doing or expressing something that occurs frequently in code written by experienced users of a given programming language. While there may be other ways to accomplish the same task, the idiomatic way is the one that is most readily intention-revealing to other experienced users of the language. Your goal when learning a new language should be to learn to “think in” that language by understanding and using its idioms well, or in other words, to avoid the well-known pitfall that “you can write FORTRAN in any language”. In this section we explore three key Ruby idioms: passing arguments to methods (“poetry mode” and named parameters), blocks, and duck typing.
link_to('Edit', {:controller => 'students', :action => 'edit'})
link_to 'Edit', :controller => 'students', :action => 'edit'
link_to 'Edit', controller: 'students', action: 'edit'
Poetry mode and named parameters. Figures 2.7 and 2.8 show two pervasive idioms related to Ruby method calls. The first, poetry mode, allows omitting parentheses around the arguments to a method call when the parsing is unambiguous. In addition, when the last argument to a method call is a hash, the curly braces around the hash literal can be omitted.
In early versions of Ruby, hash arguments were often used to emulate the named parameter feature
(also called keyword arguments) available in languages such as Python, C#, and others. For example,
the documentation for the link_to
method used in Figure 2.7 tells us that :controller
and :action
just two of many possible additional (and optional) values that can be passed to the method. True named
parameters became available in Ruby 2.0, as Figure 2.8 shows; nonetheless, a great deal of Ruby code written
prior to Ruby 2.0 still uses hashes to pass optional arguments or provide default values for arguments.
Blocks. Ruby uses the term block somewhat differently than other languages do. In Ruby, a block is just a method without a name, or an anonymous lambda expression in programming-language terminology. Like a regular named method, it has arguments and can use local variables.
As Figure 2.9 shows, one of the most common uses of blocks is to implement data structure traversal. The instance method
, available in all Ruby classes that are collection-like, takes a single argument consisting of a block (anonymous lambda)
to which each member of the collection will be passed. each
is an example of an internal iterator. Rubyists like to say
that Ruby collections “manage their own traversal,” because it’s up to the receiver
of each
to decide how to implement that method to yield each collection element. (Indeed, in Figure 2.9, we can’t even tell what
the underlying type of movie_list
# Using 'named keyword' arguments
def greet(name, last_name: "", greeting: "Hi")
"#{greeting}, #{name} #{last_name}!"
greet("Dave") # => "Hi, Dave! "
greet("Dave", last_name: "Fox") # => "Hi, Dave Fox!"
greet("Dave", greeting: "Yo") # => "Yo, Dave!"
greet("Dave", greeting: "Hey", last_name: "Patterson")
# => "Hey, Dave Patterson!" - order of keyword args irrelevant
greet(greeting: "Yo") # ArgumentError, since first arg is required
def print_movies(movie_list)
movie_list.each do |m|
puts "#{m.title} (rated: #{m.rating})"
Figure 2.10 shows a simple example of such a collection operator, which can be used with any collection that
implements each
as a way of traversing itself. Note once again that we have no idea how the collection is
implemented: all we need to know is that it implements the instance method each
to enumerate its elements.
Ruby provides a wide variety of such collection methods; Figure 2.11 lists some of the most useful. With some
practice, you will automatically start to express operations on collections in terms of these functional idioms
rather than in terms of imperative loops. Although Ruby allows for i in collection
, each
allows us to take better
advantage of duck typing, which we’ll see shortly, to improve code reuse.
Duck Typing. You may be surprised to learn, though, that the collection methods summarized in Figure 2.11 (and several
others not in the figure) aren’t part of Ruby’s Array
class. In fact, they aren’t even part of any superclass from which
Array and other collection types inherit. Instead, they take advantage of an even more powerful reuse mechanism: A mix-in
is a named collection of related methods that can be added to any class fulfilling some “contract” with the mixed-in methods.
A module is Ruby’s method for packaging together a group of methods as a mix-in. The Ruby statement include ModuleName
a class definition mixes the instance methods, class methods, and variables of the module into that class. The collection methods
in Figure 2.11 are defined in a module called Enumerable
that is part of Ruby’s standard library and is mixed in to all of Ruby’s
collection classes. As its documentation states, Enumerable
requires the class mixing it in to provide an each
method, since
’s collection methods are implemented in terms of each
. It doesn’t matter what class you mix it into as long as that
class defines the each
instance method, and neither the class nor the mix-in have to declare their intentions in advance. For
example, the each
method in Ruby’s Array
class iterates over the array elements, whereas the each
method in the IO
class iterates over the lines of a
file or other I/O stream. Mix-ins thereby allow reusing whole collections of behaviors across classes that are otherwise unrelated.
# find largest element in a collection
def maximum(collection)
result = collection.first
collection.each do |item|
result = item if item > result
maximum([3,4,2,1]) # => 4
maximum(["a","x","b"]) # => "x"
max([RomanNumeral.new('XL'), RomanNumeral.new('LI')] # => 'LI'
class RomanNumeral
include Comparable
def initialize(roman_numeral_string)
@orig_string = roman_numeral_string
@value = RomanNumeral.convert_from_roman(roman_numeral_string)
def <=>(other)
@value <=> other
def to_s
def self.convert_from_roman(str)
# ...code to convert Roman numerals from strings...
Similarly, a class that defines the “spaceship operator” <=>
, which returns −1,0,1 depending on whether its second argument
is less than, equal to, or greater than its first argument, can mix in the Comparable
module, which defines <, <=, >, >=, ==,
and between?
in terms of <=>
. For example, the Time
class defines <=>
and mixes in Comparable
, allowing you
to write Time.now.between?(Time.parse("19:00"), Time.parse("23:15"))
The term “duck typing” is a popular description of this capability, because “if something looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it might
as well be a duck.” From Enumerable
’s point of view, if a class has an each
method, it might as well be a collection, thus allowing Enumerable
to provide other methods implemented in terms of each
. When Ruby programmers say that some class “quacks like an Array
,” they usually mean that
it’s not necessarily an Array
nor a descendant of Array
, but it responds to most of the same methods as Array
and can therefore be used wherever
an Array
would be used.

Self-Check 2.4.1. Write one line of Ruby that checks whether a string s is a palindrome, that is, it reads the same backwards as forwards. Hint: Use the methods in Figure 2.11, and don’t forget that upper vs. lowercase shouldn’t matter: ReDivider is a palindrome.
s.downcase == s.downcase.reverse
You might think you could say s.reverse=~Regexp.new(s)
, but that would fail if s happens to contain regexp metacharacters such as $.
Self-Check 2.4.2. Suppose you mix Enumerable
into a class Foo
that does not provide the each
method. What error will be
raised when you call Foo.new.map { |elt| puts elt }
The map method in
will attempt to call each on its receiver, but since the newFoo
object doesn’t define each, Ruby will raise an Undefined Method error.
Self-Check 2.4.3. Which statement is correct and why: (a) include ’enumerable’ (b) include Enumerable
(b) is correct, since include expects the name of a module, which (like a class name) is a constant rather than a string.