saasbook documentation
1. Introduction to Software as a Service, Agile Development, and Cloud Computing
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Software Development Processes: Plan and Document
1.3. Software Development Processes: The Agile Manifesto
1.4. Software Quality Assurance: Testing
1.5. Productivity: Conciseness, Synthesis, Reuse, and Tools
1.6. SaaS and Service Oriented Architecture
1.7. Deploying SaaS: Cloud Computing
1.8. Deploying SaaS: Browsers and Mobile
1.9. Beautiful vs. Legacy Code
1.10. Guided Tour and How To Use This Book
1.11. Fallacies and Pitfalls
1.12. Concluding Remarks: Software Engineering Is More Than Programming
2. How to Learn a New Language
2.1. Prelude: Learning to Learn Languages and Frameworks
2.2. Pair Programming
2.3. Introducing Ruby,an Object-Oriented Language
2.4. Ruby Idioms: Poetry Mode, Blocks, Duck Typing
2.5. CHIPS: Ruby Intro
2.6. Gems and Bundler: Library Management in Ruby
2.7. Fallacies and Pitfalls
2.8. Concluding Remarks: How (Not) To Learn a Language By Googling
3. SaaS Application Architecture: Microservices, APIs, and REST
3.1. Introduction
3.2. SaaS Communication Uses HTTP Routes
3.3. CHIPS: HTTP and URIs
3.4. From Web Sites to Microservices: Service-Oriented Architecture
3.5. RESTful APIs: Everything is a Resource
3.6. RESTful URIs, API Calls, and JSON
3.7. CHIPS: Create and Deploy a Simple SaaS App
3.8. Fallacies and Pitfalls
3.9. Concluding Remarks: Continuity From CGI to SOA
4. SaaS Framework: Rails as a Model–View–Controller Framework
4.1. The Model–View–Controller (MVC) Architecture
4.2. Rails Models: Databases and Active Record
4.3. CHIPS: ActiveRecord Basics
4.4. Routes, Controllers, and Views
4.5. CHIPS: Rails Routes
4.6. Forms
4.7. CHIPS: Hangperson on Rails
4.8. Debugging: When Things Go Wrong
4.9. CHIPS: Hello Rails
4.10. Fallacies and Pitfalls
4.11. Concluding Remarks: Rails as a Service Framework
5. SaaS Framework: Advanced Programming Abstractions for SaaS
5.1. DRYing Out MVC: Partials, Validations and Filters
5.2. Single Sign-On and Third-Party Authentication
5.3. CHIPS: Rails Intro
5.4. Associations and Foreign Keys
5.5. Through-Associations
5.6. RESTful Routes for Associations
5.7. CHIPS: Associations
5.8. Other Types of Code
5.9. Fallacies and Pitfalls
5.10. Concluding Remarks: Languages, Productivity, and Beauty
6. Mobile and Desktop SaaS Clients: JavaScript Introduction
6.1. JavaScript: The Big Picture
6.2. Introducing ECMAScript
6.3. Classes, Functions and Constructors
6.4. The Document Object Model (DOM) and jQuery
6.5. The DOM and Accessibility
6.6. Events and Callbacks
6.7. AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
6.8. Testing Java Script and AJAX
6.9. CHIPS: AJAX Enhancements to RottenPotatoes
6.10. Single-Page Apps and JSON APIs
6.11. Fallacies and Pitfalls
6.12. Concluding Remarks: JavaScript Past, Present and Future
7. Requirements: BDD and User Stories
7.1. Behavior-Driven Design and User Stories
7.2. SMART User Stories
7.3. Lo-Fi User Interface Sketches and Storyboards
7.4. Points and Velocity
7.5. Agile Cost Estimation
7.6. Cucumber: From User Stories to Acceptance Tests
7.7. CHIPS: Intro to BDD and Cucumber
7.8. Explicit vs. Implicit and Imperative vs. Declarative Scenarios
7.9. The Plan-And-Document Perspective on Documentation
7.10. Fallacies and Pitfalls
7.11. Concluding Remarks: Pros and Cons of BDD
8. Testing: Test-Driven Development
8.1. FIRST, TDD, and Red–Green–Refactor
8.2. Anatomy of a Test Case: Arrange, Act, Assert
8.3. Isolating Code: Doubles and Seams
8.4. Stubbing the Internet
8.5. CHIPS: Intro to RSpec on Rails
8.6. Fixtures and Factories
8.7. Coverage Concepts and Types of Tests
8.8. Other Testing Approaches and Terminology
8.9. CHIPS:The Acceptance Test/Unit Test Cycle
8.10. The Plan-And-Document Perspective on Testing
8.11. Fallacies and Pitfalls
8.12. Concluding Remarks: TDD vs. Conventional Debugging
9. Software Maintenance: Enhancing Legacy Software Using Refactoring and Agile Methods
9.1. What Makes Code “Legacy” and How Can Agile Help?
9.2. Exploring a Legacy Codebase
9.3. Establishing Ground Truth With Characterization Tests
9.4. Comments and Commits: Documenting Code
9.5. Metrics, CodeSmells, and SOFA
9.6. Method-Level Refactoring: Replacing Dependencies With Seams
9.7. The Plan-And-Document Perspective on Working With Legacy Code
9.8. Fallacies and Pitfalls
9.9. Concluding Remarks: Continuous Refactoring
10. Agile Teams
10.1. It Takes a Team: Two-Pizza and Scrum
10.2. Using Branches Effectively
10.3. Pull Requests and Code Reviews
10.4. Delivering the Backlog Using Continuous Integration
10.5. CHIPS: Agile Iterations
10.6. Reporting and Fixing Bugs: The Five R’s
10.7. The Plan-And-Document Perspective on Managing Teams
10.8. Fallacies and Pitfalls
10.9. Concluding Remarks: From Solo Developer to Teams of Teams
11. Design Patterns for SaaS Apps
11.1. Patterns, Antipatterns, and SOLID Class Architecture
11.2. Just Enough UML
11.3. Single Responsibility Principle
11.4. Open/Closed Principle
11.5. Liskov Substitution Principle
11.6. Dependency Injection Principle
11.7. Demeter Principle
11.8. The Plan-And-Document Perspective on Design Patterns
11.9. Fallacies and Pitfalls
11.10. Concluding Remarks: Frameworks Capture Design Patterns
12. Dev/Ops
12.1. From Development to Deployment
12.2. Three-Tier Architecture
12.3. Responsiveness, Service Level Objectives, and Apdex
12.4. Releases and Feature Flags
12.5. Monitoring and Finding Bottlenecks
12.6. Improving Rendering and Database Performance With Caching
12.7. Avoiding Abusive Database Queries
12.8. CHIPS: Exploiting Caching and Indices
12.9. Security: Defending Customer Data in Your App
12.10. The Plan-And-Document Perspective on Operations
12.11. Fallacies and Pitfalls
12.12. Concluding Remarks: Beyond PaaS Basics
13. Afterword
13.1. Looking Backwards
13.2. Looking Forwards
13.3. Essential Readings
13.4. Last Words
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SaaS Communication Uses HTTP Routes
From Web Sites to Microservices: Service-Oriented Architecture