8.3. Isolating Code: Doubles and Seams¶
Unit tests can be more complex if the SUT is either not a leaf method or not a pure function. We can distinguish three cases:
The SUT has one or more depended-on components (DOCs), such as other methods it calls to help do its work. Test cases should isolate the SUT from those dependencies.
The SUT has side effects when executed, that is, it causes a change in application state visible outside the test code itself. Test cases should verify that the correct side effect occurred, which involves inspecting app state outside the SUT.
The SUT is not a pure function because its output depends not only on its input but other implicit factors, such as the time of day or a random event. Test cases should control the values of these factors to force the SUT to traverse predictable code paths.
There are two characteristics of a method that can complicate the task of creating unit tests for it. The first is that it has side effects The second is that it has dependencies—it calls other methods as part of doing its job.
As an example, consider testing a controller action. By design, as we have seen, controller actions shouldn’t contain “business logic”—instead they manage communication with the model, calling model methods to do the real work and setting up variables to display information in the view. To make our example relevant to SaaS, consider a hypothetical SaaS app that allows the user to look up a movie in another service’s movie database, and display the movie info so the user can write a review. Here is how our hypothetical app works:
model has a class (static) methodfind_in_tmdb
that makes a call to the API of the external service The Movie Database (TMDb) and returns an array ofMovie
objects, which may be empty if there were no matches.If there are no matches, the controller action should redirect the user back to the search page with an appropriate message.
If there is exactly one match, the controller should render a view that allows the user to enter a review for that movie.
Ifthereismorethanonematch,thecontrollershouldrenderadifferentviewthatallows the user to specify which movie they want to review.
Because the model method relies on calling an external service, the call might fail if the service doesn’t respond for some reason. In that case, we assume
will raise the exceptionMovie::ConnectionError
Figure 8.4 shows what the above controller action might look like.
class MoviesController < ApplicationController
def review_movie
search_string = params[:search]
matches = Movie.find_in_tmdb(search_string)
if matches.empty? # nothing was found
redirect_to review_movie_path, :alert => "No matches."
elsif matches.length == 1
@movie = matches[0]
render 'review_movie'
else # more than 1 match
@movies = matches
render 'select_movie'
rescue Movie::ConnectionError => err
redirect_to review_movie_path, :alert => "Error contacting TMDb: #{err.message}"
How would we unit-test this controller action? The Arrange step consists of preparing params
to hold some search string. The Act step consists of calling the controller action with that
search string. But the Assert step depends on whether the call to find_in_tmdb
returns an
empty array, an array of exactly one match, an array containing more than one match, or
raises an exception because of an error communicating with The Movie Database. Indeed, as
items 2–5 in the list above show, there are really four test cases required here, and to
test each of them, we essentially need to be able to control the behavior of the call to
describe MoviesController do
describe 'looking up movie' do
it 'redirects to search page if no match' do
allow(Movie).to receive(:find_in_tmdb).and_return( [] )
post 'review_movie', {'search_string' => 'I Am Big Bird'}
expect(response).to redirect_to(review_movie_path)
Michael Feathers (Feathers 2004) defines a seam as “a place where you can alter
behavior in your program without editing in that place.” In our case, we want to
alter (control) the behavior of find_in_tmdb
but without changing the source code
of the controller action. Recall that one ability afforded by metaprogramming is
being able to modify code while a program is running. In this case, the strategy
would be to temporarily modify find_in_tmdb
so that instead of calling the real method,
it calls a “fake” method whose behavior we control and can change for each test case.
Such a construction is called a method stub, and is easy to implement in languages that
support metaprogramming. The RSpec testing framework provides direct support for this,
as Figure 8.5 shows: the Arrange part of a test now includes setting up a stub for the
method, and specifying that when the stub is called, it should return an empty array,
ensuring that matches.empty?
in line 6 of Figure 8.4 will be true, causing line 7 to
be executed next. As is typical for a testing framework, RSpec “un-registers” any stubs
after each example (test case), making the stub visible only to that test case and thereby
keeping tests Independent. Later we will show how to group together sets of examples that
rely on the same precondition setup, so that tests can be DRY as well.
Keeping in mind that every Ruby function call is a method call on an object, line 4 of
Figure 8.5 can be read as follows: “Allow the Movie
class (which is itself an object) to
receive a call to its (class) method find_in_tmdb
, and return an empty array as the return
value of that call.” Note that it is not an error for find_in_tmdb
not to be called: the
stub setup only specifies what should happen if that method is called. If we wanted to
express the test condition that the method must be called, we would replace allow
. In that case, line 4 would be both an Arrange step defining a stub and an Assert
step specifying that the test should fail if the stub isn’t actually called. RSpec
automatically verifies expect...to receive
assertions at the end of each example, so the
test wouldn’t need an extra line to check if the stub was called—simply using expect
rather than allow
to set up the stub distinguishes the two cases.
In this case, receive()
creates a seam by overriding a method in place, without us having to
edit the file containing the original method (although in this case, the original method
doesn’t even exist yet). Seams are also important when it comes to adding new code to your
application, but in the rest of this chapter we will see many more examples of seams in
testing. Seams are useful in testing because they let us break dependencies between a piece
of code we want to test and its collaborators, allowing the collaborators to behave differently
under test than they would in real life.

The kind of seam we just described is called a method stub or simply stub, because it is a piece of code that replaces the real method’s code with a controllable or fixed behavior for testing purposes. A mock object or simply mock is a simplified “stunt double” of an object that can only mimic a few fixed behaviors of the object, such as returning fixed values for specific attributes. Mocks are useful when a real object would be complex to instantiate because it has other dependencies, yet only a few specific properties of the object are necessary for the SUT to work properly. The term test double generically covers these and a few other types of seams. Figure 8.6 summarizes typical strategies for using these doubles in various unit-testing scenarios, and Figure 8.7 shows examples of each strategy using RSpec.
# 1. Pure leaf function: test critical values and noncritical regions
it 'occurs when multiple of 4 but not 100' do
expect(leap?(2008)).to be_truthy
it 'does not occur when multiple of 400' do
expect(leap?(2000)).to be_falsy
# 2. Using doubles for explicit dependencies such as collaborators
# UI.background() calls Defcon.level() to determine display color
it 'colors the UI red if Defcon is 2 or lower' do
# Arrange: stub Defcon to return 2
allow(Defcon).to receive(:level).and_return(2)
expect(UI.background).to eq('red') # Act and Assert
# 3. Has implicit dependencies such as time
it 'runs backups on Tuesdays' do
# Arrange: stub Date.today to return Tues 2020-02-04
allow(Date).to receive(:today).and_return(Time.local(2020,2,4))
expect(run_backups_today?()).to be_truthy # Act and Assert
# 4. Has side effects (verbose version)
it 'lowers Defcon level by 1' do
# Arrange: check previous value of state
before = Defcon.level()
post_alert("Hostile craft detected") # Act
expect(Defcon.level()).to eq(before - 1) # Asset
# Shortcut version passing a callable to `expect`
it 'lowers Defcon level by 1' do
expect { post_alert("Hostile craft detected") }.
to change { Defcon.level() }.by(-1)
Self-Check 8.3.1. Name two likely violations of FIRST that arise when unit tests actually call an external service as part of testing.
The test may no longer be Fast, since it takes much longer to call an external service than to compute locally. The test may no longer be Repeatable, since circumstances beyond our control could affect its outcome, such as the temporary unavailability of the external service.