2.3. Introducing Ruby,an Object-Oriented Language

Ruby is a minimalist language: while its libraries are rich, there are relatively few mechanisms in the language itself. Its world view might be described as “extreme object orienta- tion.” Two principles will help you quickly learn to read and write Ruby:

  1. Everything is an object—even an integer—and it is literally the case that every operation is a method call on some object and every method call returns a value.

  2. Like Java and Python, Ruby has conventional classes; but unlike Java public attributes or Python instance variables, only a class’s instance methods—not its instance variables—are visible outside the class. In other words, all access to instance variables from outside the class must take place via public accessor methods; instance variables lacking public accessor methods are effectively private. (Python supports a similar approach but doesn’t make it mandatory.)

Let’s break down our investigation of Ruby according to the elements proposed in the previous section and in light of the above principles.

Types, typing, and names. Ruby is dynamically typed: variables don’t have types, though the objects they refer to do. Hence x=’foo’ ; x=3 is legal. As row1 of Figure2.2 shows, a single or double @-sign precedes names of instance or class (static) variables, while local variables are “barewords”; all must begin with lowercase letters, and snake_case is strongly preferred over camelCase. Row 2 shows the syntax for other named entities such as classes and constants; all except globals (which you should never use anyway) must begin with a capital letter, with UpperCamelCase used for class names. (So even though strictly speaking lowerCamelCase is legal for local and instance variables, it’s highly discouraged because it is visually difficult to distinguish from UpperCamelCase and because of the ease with which a typo can change the former into the latter and cause errors.) The namespaces for each kind of named entity are separate, so that foo, @foo, @@foo, FOO, Foo, $FOO are all distinct.

In learning any new language, an annoying type-related eye-poke is having to memorize how the language handles Boolean evaluation of non-Boolean expressions. Some languages have special Boolean types and values, such as Python’s True and False (which have special type Bool), JavaScript true and false (type boolean), and Ruby’s true and false (TrueClass and FalseClass respectively). To avoid confusion with such actual Boolean literals, developers often say truthy or falsy to describe the value of a non-Boolean expression e when used in a conditional of the form if (e).... Unfortunately, the rules for truthiness are different and largely arbitrary in each language. In Ruby, the literals false and nil are falsy, but all other values, including the number zero, the empty string, the empty array, and so forth, are truthy. In contrast, in Python, zero is falsy, but the empty string is truthy; in JavaScript, zero and the empty string are both falsy, as are the special values undefined and null, but the empty array is truthy; and so on. In languages that include both a true Boolean type and unary logical negation (usually !), writing as !!x forces the expression to have a Boolean-valued result (for example, if x is falsy, then !!x is the actual Boolean value for false.

Primitives. Figure 2.2 shows the mostly-unsurprising syntax of basic Ruby elements. Ruby has special Boolean values (row 3) including the special value nil, which is the usual result of an operation that otherwise would yield no meaningful return value, such as looking up a nonexistent key in a hash or a nonexistent value in an array.

Ruby has no separate “empty result” value such as Python none or JavaScript null. That is to say: a JavaScript variable whose value is null means that the variable references nothing in particular, rather than signifiying “falseness” in a Boolean sense, whereas Ruby nil may signal either Boolean falseness or a variable that refers to nothing.

In addition to strings (row 4), Ruby also includes a type called symbol (row 4), such as :octocat, essentially an immutable “token” whose value is itself. It is typically used for enumerations, like an enum type in C or Java, though it has other purposes as well. A symbol is not the same as a string, but as the figure shows, strings and symbols can be easily converted to each other.

Row 6 and Figure 2.3 summarize Ruby’s straightforward support for manipulating regu- lar expressions and capturing the results of regex matches. Given the amount of text handling done by modern SaaS apps, mastering regexes and understanding how a new language provides access to a regex engine is de rigeur for programmers.

Collections (rows 7–9: arrays and hashes) can combine keys and values of different types. Hashes in particular, also called associative arrays or hashmaps in other languages, are ubiquitous in Ruby.

Every Ruby statement is an expression that returns a value; assignments return the value of their left-hand side, that is, the value of the variable or other** L-value** that was just assigned to.

Methods. A method is defined with def method_name(arg1,...,argN) and ends with end. All statements in between are the method definition. All methods return a value; if a method doesn’t have an explicit return statement, the value of the last expression evaluated in the method is its return value, which is always well-defined since every Ruby state- ment results in a value.

Everything in Ruby, even a lowly integer, is a full-fledged object that is an instance of some class. Every operation, without exception, are performed by calling a method on an object. The notation obj.meth() calls method meth on the object obj, which is said to be the receiver and is expected to be able to respond to meth. For example, the expression 5.class() sends the method call class with no arguments to the object 5. The class method happens to return the class that an object belongs to, in this case Fixnum.

As we’ll see in more detail in the next section, Ruby allows omitting parentheses around argument lists when doing so does not result in ambiguous parsing. Hence 5.class is equivalent to 5.class().

Furthermore, since everything is an object, the result of every expression is, by definition, something on which you can call other methods. Hence (5.class).superclass tells you what Fixnum’s superclass is, by sending the superclass method call with no arguments to Fixnum, an object representing the class to which 5 belongs. Method calls associate to the left, so this example could be written 5.class.superclass. Such method chaining is extremely idiomatic in Ruby.

2.2 Basic Ruby elements and control structures
Figure 2.2: Basic Ruby elements and control structures, with optional items in [square brackets]. Statements are separated by newlines (most commonly) or semicolons (rarely). Indentation is insignificant. Besides the usual basic primitive types and collection types, hashes (also known as associative arrays or hashmaps; Ruby class Hash) are ubiquitous.
2.3 PCRE in Ruby
Figure 2.3: Like most modern languages, Ruby supports Perl compatible regular expressions (PCRE), often shortened to regex(es) or regexp(s). The name PCRE is inspired by the vastly expanded regular-expression capabilities that first appeared in the Perl scripting language.
Figure 2.4: The first column is Ruby’s syntactic sugar for common operations, the second column shows the explicit method call, and the third column shows how to perform the same method call using Ruby’s send, which accepts either a string or (more idiomatically) a symbol for the method name.

As Figure 2.4 shows, even basic math operations and array references are actually method calls on their receivers. Hence, concepts such as type casting rarely apply in Ruby: while you can certainly call 5.to_s or "5".to_i to convert between strings and integers, for example, writing a+b means calling method + on receiver a, so the behavior depends entirely on how a’s class (or one of its ancestors or mix-ins) implements the instance method +. Hence, both 3+2 and "foo"+"bar" are legal Ruby expressions, but the first one calls + as defined in Numeric (the ancestor class of Fixnum) whereas the second calls + as defined in String. Rubyists write ClassName#method to indicate the instance method method in ClassName and ClassName.method to indicate the class (static) method method in ClassName. We can therefore say that the expression 3+2 results in calling Fixnum#+ on the receiver 3.

Abstraction and encapsulation. Ruby supports traditional inheritance, using the notation class SubFoo<Foo to indicate that SubFoo is a subclass of Foo. A class can inherit from at most one superclass (Ruby lacks multiple inheritance), and all classes ultimately inherit from BasicObject, sometimes called the root class, which has no superclass. As with most languages that support inheritance, if an object receives a call for a method not defined in its class, the call will be passed up to the superclass, and so on until the root class is reached or an undefined method exception is raised. The default constructor for a class must be a method named initialize, but it is always called as Foo.new—that is an idiosyncrasy of the language. Classes can have both class (static) methods and instance methods, and both class (static) variables and instance variables. Class variable names begin with @@ and instance variable names begin with @. Class and instance method names look the same.

Probably most surprising thing to newcomers learning about Ruby’s class machinery is that there is no direct access to class or instance variables from outside the class at all. In other languages, certain instance variables of a class can be declared public, such as attributes in Java. In Ruby, access to class or instance state must be through getter and setter methods, also collectively called accessor methods. Figure 2.5 shows examples of getters (lines 10–12, 16), setters (lines 13–15: note that setter methods conventionally have names ending in =, allowing syntax such as line 33 shows), and a simple instance method that accesses other instance variables (line 18). From the caller’s point of view in lines 33–34, it is impossible to tell whether a given method simply “wraps” access to an instance variable (as title does) or produces its result by computing something (as full_title does). This design choice illustrates Ruby’s hard-line position on the Uniform Access Principle, which concerns one aspect of encapsulation in object-oriented programming: It should be impossible to determine the implementation details of an object’s state or its operations from outside the object.

Beware! If you’re used to Java or Python, it’s very easy to think of the syntax in line 33 as assignment to an attribute or instance variable, but it is just a method call, and in fact could be written as beautiful.send(’title=’, ’La vita e bella’). Furthermore, note that any instance variable that has not previously been assigned to will silently evaluate to nil.

class Movie
    def initialize(title, year)
        @title = title
        @year = year
    # class (static) methods - 'self' refers to the actual class
    def self.find_in_tmdb(title_words)
        # call TMDb to search for a movie...
    def title
    def title=(new_title)
        @title = new_title
    def year ; @year ; end
    # note: no way to modify value of @year after initialized
    def full_title ; "#{@title} (#{@year})"; end

# A more concise and Rubyistic version of class definition:
class Movie
    def self.find_in_tmdb(title_words)
        # call TMDb to search for a movie...
    attr_accessor :title # can read and write this attribute
    attr_reader :year    # can only read this attribute
    def full_title ; "#{@title} (#{@year})"; end

# Example use of the Movie class
beautiful = Movie.new('Life is Beautiful', '1997')
beautiful.title = 'La vita e bella'
beautiful.full_title    #   => "La vita e bella (1997)"
beautiful.year = 1998   # => ERROR: no method 'year='
Figure 2.5: A simple class definition in Ruby showing that explicit getter and setter methods are the only way to access instance variables from outside a class, and that Ruby provides shortcuts (lines 26–27) that avoid having to define every accessor method explicitly. Rather than distinguish “private” vs. “public” instance and class variables, one simply provides public accessor methods (read-only, write-only, or read/write) for state that should be publicly visible
#  Time#now, Time#+ and Time#- represent time as 'seconds since 1/1/70'
class Fixnum
     def seconds  ; self ; end
     def minutes  ; self * 60 ; end
     def hours    ; self * 60 * 60 ; end
     def ago      ; Time.now - self ; end
     def from_now ; Time.now + self ; end

Time.now                # => 2018-11-22 16:58:04 +0100
5.minutes.ago           # => 2018-11-22 16:53:12 +0100
5.minutes - 4.minutes   # => 60
3.hours.from_now        # => 2018-11-22 19:58:45 +0100
Figure 2.6: By reopening Ruby’s core Fixnum class and adding six new instance methods to it, we get a beautiful syntax for time arithmetic. (Rails includes a more complete version of this facility.) Unix was invented in 1970, so its designers chose to represent time as the number of seconds since midnight (GMT) 1970–01–01, sometimes called the beginning of the epoch.

Self-Check 2.3.1. What is the explicit-send equivalent of each of the following expressions: a<b, a==b, x[0], x[0]=’foo’.

a.send(:<,b), a.send(:==,b), x.send(:[],0), x.send(:[]=,0,’foo’)

Self-Check 2.3.2. Verify in an interactive Ruby interpreter that 5/4 gives 1, but 5/4.0 and 5.0/4 both give 1.25. Explain this behavior by identifying which class’s / method is called in each case, and how you think it handles its argument.

In 5/4 and 5/4.0, the Integer class’s / instance method is called on the receiver 5. That method performs integer division if its argument is also an integer, but if its argument is a float, it converts the receiver to a float and performs floating-point division. In 5.0/4, the Float class’s / method is called, which always performs floating-point division.

Self-Check 2.3.3. Why is movie.@year=1998 not a substitute for movie.year=1998?

The notation a.b always means “call method b on receiver a”, but @year is the name of an instance variable, whereas year= is the name of an instance method.

Self-Check 2.3.4. Suppose we delete line 12 from Figure 2.5. What would be the result of executing Movie.new(’Inception’,2011).year ?

Ruby would complain that the year method is undefined.

Self-Check 2.3.5. In Figure 2.6, is Time.now a class method or an instance method?

The fact that its receiver is a class name (Time) tells us it’s a class method.

Self-Check 2.3.6. Why does 5.superclass result in an “undefined method” error? (Hint: consider the difference between calling superclass on 5 itself vs. calling it on the object returned by 5.class . )

superclass is a method defined on classes. The object 5 is not itself a class, so you can’t call superclass on it

Self-Check 2.3.7. Which of the following Ruby expressions are equal to each other: (a) :foo (b) %q{foo} (c) %Q{foo} (d) ’foo’.to_sym (e) :foo.to_s

(a) and (d) are equal to each other; (b), (c), and (e) are equal to each others

Self-Check 2.3.8. What is captured by $1 when the string 25 to 1 is matched against each of the following regexps: (a) /(\d+)$/ (b) /^\d+([^0-9]+)/

(a) the string “1” (b) the string “ to ” (including the leading and trailing spaces)

Figure 2.7: Three legal and equivalent calls to the method link_to (which we’ll meet in Section 4.4) that takes one string argument and one hash argument. The first is fully parenthesized, the second omits the parentheses around the call arguments and the curly braces around the final hash argument, and the third uses the alternative (Ruby ≥ 2.0) syntax for the hash keys in the second argument.

Self-Check 2.3.9. Consider line 18 of Figure 2.5. Explain why the following would be an acceptable alternative way to define the full_title method, and the pros and cons compared to the way it appears in the figure: def full_title ; "#title (#year)"; end

This version calls the accessor methods title and year rather than accessing the instance variables directly. Doing so decouples the implementation of this method from the implementations of the underlying state of the movie (title and year).