9.6. Method-Level Refactoring: Replacing Dependencies With Seams

2. Increasing Complexity - As [a software] system evolves, its complexity increases unless work is done to maintain or reduce it.

—Lehman’s second law of software evolution

With the characterization specs developed in Section 9.3, we have a solid foundation on which to base our refactoring to repair the problems identified in Section 9.5. The term refactoring refers not only to a general process, but also to an instance of a specific code transformation. Thus, just as with code smells, we speak of a catalog of refactorings, and there are many such catalogs to choose from. We prefer Fowler’s catalog, so the examples in this chapter follow Fowler’s terminology and are cross-referenced to Chapters 6, 8, 9, and 10 of his book Refactoring: Ruby Edition (Fields et al. 2009). While the correspondence between code smells and refactorings is not perfect, in general each of those chapters describes a group of method-level refactorings that address specific code smells or problems, and further chapters describe refactorings that affect multiple classes, which we’ll learn about in Chapter 11.

Each refactoring consists of a descriptive name and a step-by-step process for transforming the code via small incremental steps, testing after each step. Most refactorings will cause at least temporary test failures, since unit tests usually depend on implementation, which is exactly what refactoring changes. A key goal of the refactoring process is to minimize t he amount of time that tests are failing (red); the idea is that each refactoring step is small enough that adjusting the tests to pass before moving on to the next step is not difficult. If you find that getting from red back to green is harder than expected, you must determine if your understanding of the code was incomplete, or if you have really broken something while refactoring.

Getting started with refactoring can seem overwhelming: without knowing what refactorings exist, it may be hard to decide how to improve a piece of code. Until you have some experience improving pieces of code, it may be hard to understand the explanations of the refactorings or the motivations for when to use them. Don’t be discouraged by this apparent chicken-and-egg problem; like TDD and BDD, what seems overwhelming at first can quickly become familiar.

As a start, Figure 9.15 shows four of Fowler’s refactorings that we will apply to our code. In his book, each refactoring is accompanied by an example and an extremely detailed list of mechanical steps for performing the refactoring, in some cases referring to other refactorings that may be necessary in order to apply this one. For example, Figure 9.16 shows the first few steps for applying the Extract Method refactoring. With these examples in mind, we can refactor Figure 9.6.

Figure 9.15: Four example refactorings, with parentheses around the chapter in which each appears in Fowler’s book. Each refactoring has a name, a problem that it solves, and an overview of the code transformation(s) that solve the problem. Fowler’s book also includes detailed mechanics for each refactoring, as Figure 9.16 shows.
Figure 9.16: Fowler’s detailed steps for the Extract Method refactoring. In his book, each refactoring is described as a step-by-step code transformation process that may refer to other refactorings.

Long method is the most obvious code smell in Figure 9.6, but that’s just an overall symptom to which various specific problems contribute. The high ABC score (23) of convert suggests one place to start focusing our attention: the condition of the if in lines 6–7 is difficult to understand, and the conditional is nested two-deep. As Figure 9.15 suggests, a hard-to-read conditional expression can be improved by applying the very common refactoring Decompose Conditional, which in turn relies on Extract Method. We move some code into a new method with a descriptive name, as Figure 9.17 shows. Note that in addition to making the conditional more readable, the separate definition of leap_year? makes the leap year calculation separately testable and provides a seam at line 6 where we could stub the method to simplify testing of convert, similar to the example in the Elaboration at the end of Section 8.4. In general, when a method mixes code that says what to do with code that says how to do it, this may be a warning to check whether you need to use Extract Method in order to maintain a consistent level of Abstraction.

 1# NOTE: line 7 fixes bug in original version
 2class TimeSetter
 3    def self.convert(d)
 4        y = 1980
 5        while (d > 365) do
 6        if leap_year?(y)
 7            if (d >= 366)
 8            d -= 366
 9            y += 1
10            end
11        else
12            d -= 365
13            y += 1
14        end
15        end
16        return y
17    end
18    private
19    def self.leap_year?(year)
20        year % 400 == 0 ||
21        (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0)
22    end
Figure 9.17: Applying the Extract Method refactoring to lines 6–7 of Figure 9.6 makes the conditional’s purpose immediately clear (line 6) by replacing the condition with a well-named method (lines 19–22), which we declare private to keep the class’s implementation details well encapsulated. For even more transparency, we could apply Extract Method again to leap_year? by extracting methods every_400_years? and every_4_years_except_centuries?.

The conditional is also nested two-deep, making it hard to understand and increasing convert’s ABC score. The Decompose Conditional refactoring also breaks up the complex condition by replacing each arm of the conditional with an extracted method. Notice, though, that the two arms of the conditional correspond to lines 4 and 6 of the pseudocode in Figure 9.14, both of which have the side effects of changing the values of d and y (hence our use of ! in the names of the extracted methods). In order for those side effects to be visible to convert, we must turn the local variables into class variables throughout TimeSetter, giving them more descriptive names @@year and @@days_remaining while we’re at it. Finally, since @@year is now a class variable, we no longer need to pass it as an explicit argument to leap_year?. Figure 9.18 shows the result.

 1# NOTE: line 7 fixes bug in original version
 2class TimeSetter
 3    ORIGIN_YEAR = 1980
 4    def self.calculate_current_year(days_since_origin)
 5        @@year = ORIGIN_YEAR
 6        @@days_remaining = days_since_origin
 7        while (@@days_remaining > 365) do
 8        if leap_year?
 9            peel_off_leap_year!
10        else
11            peel_off_regular_year!
12        end
13        end
14        return @@year
15    end
16    private
17    def self.peel_off_leap_year!
18        if (@@days_remaining >= 366)
19        @@days_remaining -= 366 ; @@year += 1
20        end
21    end
22    def self.peel_off_regular_year!
23        @@days_remaining -= 365 ; @@year += 1
24    end
25    def self.leap_year?
26        @@year % 400 == 0 ||
27        (@@year % 4 == 0 && @@year % 100 != 0)
28    end
Figure 9.18: We decompose the conditional in line 7 by replacing each branch with an extracted method. Note that while the total number of lines of code has increased, convert itself has become Shorter, and its steps now correspond closely to the pseudocode in Figure 9.14, sticking to a single level of Abstraction while delegating details to the extracted helper methods.

As long as we’re cleaning up, the code in Figure 9.18 also fixes two minor code smells. The first is uncommunicative variable names: convert doesn’t describe very well what this method does, and the parameter name d is not useful. The other is the use of “magic number” literal constants such as 1980 in line 4; we apply Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant (Fowler chapter 8) to replace it with the more descriptive constant name STARTING_YEAR. What about the other constants such as 365 and 366? In this example, they’re probably familiar enough to most programmers to leave as-is, but if you saw 351 rather than 365, and if line 26 (in leap_year?) used the constant 19 rather than 4, you might not recognize the leap year calculation for the Hebrew calendar. Remember that refactoring only improves the code for human readers; the computer doesn’t care. So in such cases use your judgment as to how much refactoring is enough.

In our case, re-running flog on the refactored code in Figure 9.18 brings the ABC score for the newly-renamed calculate_current_year from 23.0 down to 6.6, which is well below the suggested NIST threshold of 10.0. Also, reek now reports only two smells. The first is “low cohesion” for the helper methods peel_off_leap_year and peel_off_regular_year; this is a design smell, and we will discuss what it means in Chapter 11. The second smell is declaration of class variables inside a method. When we applied Decompose Conditional and Extract Method, we turned local variables into class variables @@year and @@days_remaining so that the newly-extracted methods could successfully modify those variables’ values. Our solution is effective, but clumsier than Replace Method with Method Object (Fowler chapter 6). In that refactoring, the original method convert is turned into an object instance (rather than a class) whose instance variables capture the object’s state; the helper methods then operate on the instance variables.

 1# An example call would now be:
 2#  year = TimeSetter.new(367).calculate_current_year
 3# rather than:
 4#  year = TimeSetter.calculate_current_year(367)
 5class TimeSetter
 6    ORIGIN_YEAR = 1980
 7    def initialize(days_since_origin)
 8        @year = ORIGIN_YEAR
 9        @days_remaining = days_since_origin
10    end
11    def calculate_current_year
12        while (@days_remaining > 365) do
13        if leap_year?
14            peel_off_leap_year!
15        else
16            peel_off_regular_year!
17        end
18        end
19        return @year
20    end
21    private
22    def peel_off_leap_year!
23        if (@days_remaining >= 366)
24        @days_remaining -= 366 ; @year += 1
25        end
26    end
27    def peel_off_regular_year!
28        @days_remaining -= 365 ; @year += 1
29    end
30    def leap_year?
31        @year % 400 == 0 ||
32        (@year % 4 == 0 && @year % 100 != 0)
33    end
Figure 9.19: If we use Fowler’s recommended refactoring, the code is cleaner because we now use instance variables rather than class variables to track side effects, but it changes the way calculate_current_year is called because it’s now an instance method. This would break existing code and tests, and so might be deferred until later in the refactoring process.

Figure 9.19 shows the result of applying such a refactoring, but there is an important caveat. So far, none of our refactorings have caused our characterization specs to fail, since the specs were just calling TimeSetter.convert. But applying Replace Method With Method Object changes the calling interface to convert in a way that makes tests fail. If we were working with real legacy code, we would have to find every site that calls convert, change it to use the new calling interface, and change any failing tests accordingly. In a real project, we’d want to avoid changes that needlessly break the calling interface, so we’d need to consider carefully whether the readability gained by applying this refactoring would outweigh the risk of introducing this breaking change.

Self-Check 9.6.1. Which is not a goal of method-level refactoring: (a) reducing code complexity, (b) eliminating code smells, (c) eliminating bugs, (d) improving testability?

(c). While debugging is important, the goal of refactoring is to preserve the code’s current behavior while changing its structure.