9.3. Establishing Ground Truth With Characterization Tests

If there are no tests (or too few tests) covering the parts of the code affected by your planned changes, you’ll need to create some tests. How do you do this given limited understanding of how the code works now? One way to start is to establish a baseline for “ground truth” by creating characterization tests: tests written after the fact that capture and describe the actual, current behavior of a piece of software, even if that behavior has bugs. By creating a Repeatable automatic test (see Section 8.1) that mimics what the code does right now, you can ensure that those behaviors stay the same as you modify and enhance the code, like a high-level regression test.

It’s often easiest to start with an integration-level characterization test such as a Cucumber scenario, since these make the fewest assumptions about how the app works and focus only on the user experience. Indeed, while good scenarios ultimately make use of a “domain language” rather than describing detailed user interactions in imperative steps (Section 7.8), at this point it’s fine to start with imperative scenarios, since the goal is to increase coverage and provide ground truth from which to create more detailed tests. Once you have some green integration tests, you can turn your attention to unit- or functional-level tests, just as TDD follows BDD in the outside-in Agile cycle.

# WARNING! This code has a bug! See text!
class TimeSetter
    def self.convert(d)
        y = 1980
        while (d > 365) do
        if (y % 400 == 0 ||
            (y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0))
            if (d > 366)
            d -= 366
            y += 1
            d -= 365
            y += 1
        return y
Figure 9.6: This method is hard to understand, hard to test, and therefore, by Feathers’s definition of legacy code, hard to modify. In fact, it contains a bug—this example is a simplified version of a bug in the Microsoft Zune music player that caused any Zune booted on December 31, 2008, to freeze permanently, and for which the only resolution was to wait until the first minute of January 1, 2009, before rebooting.

Whereas integration-level characterization tests just capture behaviors that we observe without requiring us to understand how those behaviors happen, a unit-level characterization test seems to require us to understand the implementation. For example, consider the code in Figure 9.6. As we’ll discuss in detail in the next section, it has many problems, not least of which is that it contains a bug. The method convert calculates the current year given a starting year (in this case 1980) and the number of days elapsed since January 1 of that year. If 0 days have elapsed, then it is January 1, 1980; if 365 days have elapsed, it is December 31, 1980, since 1980 was a leap year; if 366 days have elapsed, it is January 1, 1981; and so on. How would we create unit tests for convert without understanding the method’s logic in detail?

Feathers describes a useful technique for “reverse engineering” specs from a piece of code we don’t yet understand: create a spec with an assertion that we know will probably fail, run the spec, and use the information in the error message to change the spec to match actual behavior. Essentially, we create specs that assert incorrect results, then fix the specs based on the actual test behavior. Our goal is to capture the current behavior as completely as possible so that we’ll immediately know if code changes break the current behavior, so we aim for 100% C0 coverage (even though that’s no guarantee of bug-freedom!), which is challenging because the code as presented has no seams. Doing this for convert results in the specs in Figure 9.7 and even finds a bug in the process!

require 'simplecov'
require './time_setter'
describe TimeSetter do
    { 365 => 1980, 366 => 1981, 900 => 1982 }.each_pair do |arg,result|
        it "#{arg} days puts us in #{result}" do
            expect(TimeSetter.convert(arg)).to eq(result)
Figure 9.7: This simple spec, resulting from the reverse-engineering technique of creating characterization tests achieves 100% C0 coverage and helps us find a bug in Figure 9.6.

Feathers describes a useful technique for “reverse engineering” specs from a piece of code we don’t yet understand: create a spec with an assertion that we know will probably fail, run the spec, and use the information in the error message to change the spec to match actual behavior. Essentially, we create specs that assert incorrect results, then fix the specs based on the actual test behavior. Our goal is to capture the current behavior as completely as possible so that we’ll immediately know if code changes break the current behavior, so we aim for 100% C0 coverage (even though that’s no guarantee of bug-freedom!), which is challenging because the code as presented has no seams. Doing this for convert results in the specs in Figure 9.7 and even finds a bug in the process!

Self-Check 9.3.1. State whether each of the following is a goal of unit and functional testing, a goal of characterization testing, or both:a

i Improve coverage

ii Test boundary conditions and corner cases

iii Document intent and behavior of app code

iv Prevent regressions (reintroduction of earlier bugs)

(i) and (iii) are goals of unit, functional, and characterization testing. (ii) and (iv) are goals of unit and functional testing, but non-goals of characterization testing.